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Debug of 8086


DEBUG.COM is a DOS utility that facilitates the debugging and trouble-shooting of assembly language programs.

By using Debug to run a program one instruction at a time, and watching how the program works, we can find mistakes and correct them. This is known as debugging, hence the name DEBUG.

Actually, the DEBUG enables you to use the personal computer as a low-level microprocessor kit.

How to use debug

First go to MS  DOS either by clicking MS-DOS prompt or command prompt.
In that drive just type Debug and press enter key. Your monitor screen will go blank and the cursor will keep on blinking waiting for your command.

Now type                   r  <ENTER>

You will able to see all the registers, pointers, flags etc as shown below:  

                AX=0000  BX=0000  CX=0000  DX=0000  SP=FFEE  BP=0000

               SI=0000    DI=0000    DS=0D22  ES=0000  SS=0D22  CS=0D22

                 IP=0100                                 NV  UP  EI  NG  NZ  NA  PE  CY

     Where AX, BX, CX, DX are general-purpose registers.
                 CS, DS, SS, ES are segment registers.
                 SP, BP, SI, DI are pointers.
     The flags are listed below with their codes for SET and RESET



PE ( Even )
PO ( Odd )

Auxillary Carry


NG ( Negative )
PL ( Plus )

EI ( Enabled )
DI ( Disabled )

DN ( Decrement)



 Now with help of DEBUG commands write and execute various programs.
 The DEBUG commands are given from the next page onwards.


                  COMMAND                                                    FUNCTIONS

1) A (offset address)  - ASSEMBLE          Assembles mnemonics directly into the
    In order to enter the program (mnemonics) in memory this command is used.

     Example: Suppose that you want to write the program at the offset address of 0100
                      then type     a 0100  <ENTER>

    The screen will then display 0f64 : 0100
     Where 0f64 is the starting address of the Code Segment and 0100 is the Offset

     Now you can directly type the instructions line by line. And after each instruction
     press enter key.

     Example: If you entered a 10 line program by the assemble command and now
     if you want to change the instruction at 0108 , then type
                                               a 0108 <ENTER>

     The screen will then display 0f64 : 0108
     Now you can change the instruction and then press the enter key.

2) C range address  - COMPARE               Compares the portion of memory
                                                                        specified by range to a  portion of the
                                                                        same size beginning at the specified

     Example: If you type the command   C 100, 1FF 300

     It means that, this compares the block of memory from 100 to 1FFH with the block
    of memory from  300 to 3FFH.

3)  D [range]  -  DUMP                                 Displays the hex code or machine code
                                                                        present  in that address segment.

     Example: If you type D 100 <ENTER>

     Then the debug displays the dump in the following format
                                       0D22 : 0100  42 45 23 56 24 09 ..
                                       0D22 : 010A 35 78 56 55

4) E (offset address)  -  ENTER                     Enters hex code or machine code into
                                                                          the memory the  specified offset
     Only one hex code can be entered at a time.

     Example: If you type the command   E 0200  <ENTER>
     The screen will display          
                                            0D22 : 0200  42._
      It means that, at offset address 0200 42H the hex code is already stored. If you
      want to change the hex code type the new code and then press enter.

5) F range list  -  FILL                              Fills the addresses in the specified range
                                                                    with the values in the specified list.

     Example: If you type the command f 0D22 : 0100 L 0100  20 D8 00 01 <ENTER>

     The debug would fill memory locations 0D22 : 0100 through 0D22 : 01FF with
     the bytes specified. The four values would then be repeated until all the 100H
     bytes were filled.

6) G  [offset address]  - GO                       Executes the program from the current
                                                                     CS:IP address.
     Example: If you type the command   G   <ENTER>

     The debug would then execute the program from the current CS: IP address.

     Example: If IP=0100, and you type the command G 0120 <ENTER>

     The debug would then execute the program from the offset address 0100 till 0120.

7) H value value  -  HEX                           Performs hexadecimal arithmetic on the
                                                                     two specified parameters.

     Example: If you type the command   H 019F 010A  <ENTER>

     The debug will perform the calculations and then display the following result
                                                              02A9 0095

      The debug first adds the two parameters and then subtracts the second from the  

8) I (port address)  INPUT                      Inputs and displays the data byte from the
                                                                      port specified  by port address.

      Example: If you type the command   I 02F8  <ENTER>

      Suppose that the byte at the port 02F8H is 42H. Debug would input the byte and
      then display the following :  42 .

9) L [add[drive: record record ]]  LOAD     Loads a file into the memory.

10) M range address  MOVE                      Moves the block of memory specified
                                                                          by the range to the location beginning
                                                                          at the specified address.
      Example: If you type the command   M 0D22 :0100 0110 0D22 : 0200 <ENTER>
      Debug would will move the data from 0D22 : 0100 till 0D22 : 0110      to
                                                                    0D22 : 0200 till 0D22 : 0210

      i.e. data bytes from 0100  0110 will be moved ( copied ) to 0200  0210 in the
      same segment.

11) N filename ( filename )  NAME           Sets the filenames.

12) O port address byte  OUTPUT           Sends the specified byte to the output at
                                                                        the specified port  address.

       Example: If you type the command   O 02F8 AF  <ENTER>

       It means that the data AF will be outputted to the port 02F8.

13) P [=address][number]  PROCEED    Executes a loop, a repeated string
                                                                        instruction, a software interrupt , or a
                                                                        subroutine call to completion.
       The P (Proceed) command transfers control from debug to the target program.
       The program executes without interruption until the loop, a repeated string
       instruction, software interrupt, or sub-routine call at address is completed , or
       until the specified number of machine instructions has been executed.

14) Q  QUIT                                              To exit from DEBUG and return to DOS.

       Example: If you type the command   q <ENTER>

       You will exit Debug and return to DOS.

15) R [register name]  R                            Displays the contents of all the registers
                                                                      (general purpose, segment, pointers, flags)

      Example: If you type the command R <ENTER>

      The debug will then display the following
                           AX=0000  BX=0000  CX=0000  DX=0000  SP=FFEE  BP=0000
                           SI=0000    DI=0000    DS=0D22  ES=0000  SS=0D22  CS=0D22
                           IP=0100                                  NV  UP  EI  NG  NZ  NA  PE  CY
     Where AX, BX, CX, DX are general-purpose registers.
                 CS, DS, SS, ES are segment registers.
                 SP, BP, SI, DI are pointers.
     The flags are listed below with their codes for SET and RESET



PE ( Even )
PO ( Odd )

Auxillary Carry


NG ( Negative )
PL ( Plus )

EI ( Enabled )
DI ( Disabled )

DN ( Decrement)



     Example: If you to change the data in one of the registers for e.g . BX
     then type R followed by the register name you want to change
                           i.e.  R BX  <ENTER>

     The screen will display          BX=0000.

     Now type the new data and press enter key.

      Example: If you type F as the register name after the R command  i.e.
                                 R  F  <ENTER>

     Debug will display each flag with a two character alphabetic code as shown

     To change any flag type the opposite two-letter code. The flags are then either
     SET or RESET.

16) S range list  SEARCH                      Searches the specified range for the
                                                                    specified list of data byte.

       Example: If you want to search or locate the data 29H from offset 0100 to 0110
       Then type the command   S 0D22 : 0100 0110 29  <ENTER>

       The display will show the addresses, at which the data 29h is present,
        for example:

17) T[=address][value]  TRACE       Executes one instruction and displays the
                                                               contents of  all registers, flags and the
                                                               decoded instruction.

            This command is generally used for single stepping.

            Example: If you type the command T =011A 10 <ENTER>

            Debug executes sixteen instructions starting from 011A in the current segment
            and then displays all registers and flags for each instruction as it is executed.
            The display scrolls away until the last instruction is executed and then stops.

18) U [range]  UNASSEMBLE               It displays the hex code along with their

        Example: If you type the command  U 04BA : 0100 L 09 <ENTER>

        Debug would disassemble 9 bytes beginning at address 04BA : 0100
                                 04BA : 0100 206472   AND [SI + 72 } , AH
                                 04BA : 0103 69           DB 69
                                 04BA : 0104 7665       JBE 016B   and so on

19) W[address[drive:record record]]  WRITE  Writes the file being debugged to
                                                                                   a disk file.

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